
Home Assistant on OMV Container in Raspberry-Pi


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  • https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/linux
  • https://www.home-assistant.io/getting-started/onboarding/
  • https://github.com/JurajNyiri/HomeAssistant-Tapo-Control?tab=readme-ov-file
  • https://www.hass-agent.io/2.0/getting-started/
  • https://hub.docker.com/_/eclipse-mosquitto
  • https://github.com/sukesh-ak/setup-mosquitto-with-docker
  • https://github.com/NemesisRE/kiosk-mode
  • https://github.com/KTibow/fullscreen-card

Home Assistant on OMV Container in Raspberry-Pi : 

Installing Home Assistant on Docker using OMV Compose, along with Portainer, Jellyfin, and MQTT. Here’s the breakdown:

Home Assistant on OMV

  • Created the Home Assistant compose file
  • Completed onboarding and set up integrations
  • Added Tapo Cameras and enabled HACS integration

Other Services on OMV

  • Installed Jellyfin and Portainer using Docker Compose
  • Set up MQTT and connected it to Home Assistant:
  • Created the compose file and config
  • SSH into the container to add users/passwords
  • Added MQTT integration on Home Assistant

Installing HASS.Agent on Windows, connected via API token, and added Windows sensors to Home Assistant.

OMV 7 : OMV-extras


Previous steps covered installing OMV on a headless Raspberry Pi.

Now, enabling Docker Compose on OMV7 and setting up containers from OpenMediaVault.

Step 01: Enabling Docker repo

OMV -> System ->  omv-extras -> check the box, then save. 

Step 02: Installing OMV-compose & plugins

OMV -> System -> Plugins

Search for the plugins, then click install icon :

search for openmediavault
search for openmediavault

Now access  Docker Compose under the hamburger menu

Docker compose menus appearing 

Step 03: Creating Shared folder structure

Now  Services -> Compose -> Settings 
Next step is to add share folders for 
Compose Files

Now need to create share folders for the above 

Click -> add then provide 
then save it
shared folder
shared folder 

Now going back to Services -> Compose -> Settings
To add the shared folders

share folders added to compose settings
share folders added to compose settings

Step 04: Now Creating Docker Compose File to create containers. 

Creating a User for Docker:
Give a name, then add the user to the groups and then check the box for: disallow docker user account

Creating a User for Docker
Creating a User for Docker

Finding the uid & gid

pinas:~ $ id doceruser
uid=1001(doceruser) gid=100(users) 

Home Assistant on OMV Container

HA:OMV dashboard
HA:OMV dashboard 


Step 01:   homeassistant Compose file on OMV





    image: ghcr.io/home-assistant/home-assistant:stable

    container_name: homeassistant

    network_mode: host


      - PUID=1001

      - PGID=100

      - TZ=Etc/UTC

      - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro


      - /data/homeassistant/data:/config

      - /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro


      - 8123:8123 #optional

    restart: unless-stopped


Once the container is up and running, following the onboarding steps. 

Step02: On-boarding


Step03: Integrations

How to Add Tapo Cameras


HA:CCTV dashboard
HA:CCTV dashboard


Enabling Third party support in the Tapo app. 

Me->Tapo lab->Third-party-compatibility


For each camera, need to enable camera username and password

Step 3:

Adding -> TP-Link integration in Home Assistance

Step 4: 

For live streaming, use Onvif Integrations 

Give IP address of the camera and port as  2020

Step 04: Hacs-integration

Installing hacs-integration



pi@piraspi:~> sudo docker exec -i -t 1c4f56c6fe802 bash

wget -O - https://get.hacs.xyz | bash -


Jellyfin Compose file on OMV



    image: jellyfin/jellyfin

    container_name: jellyfin

    network_mode: 'host'


      - PUID=1001

      - PGID=100

      - TZ=Etc/UTC


      - /data/config:/config

      - /data/cache:/cache

      - /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-765gvy/GNAS:/data/movies

      - type: bind

        source: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-65765tvh/GNAS

        target: /media

        read_only: true

    restart: 'unless-stopped'


      - 'host.docker.internal:host-gateway'


Portainer Compose file on OMV



    image: portainer/portainer-ce:latest

    container_name: portainer

    restart: unless-stopped


      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro

      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro

      - /data/portainer/data:/data


      - 9000:9000


      - PUID=1001

      - PGID=100


MQTT docker container and connecting to Home assistant

MQTT Integration
MQTT Integration

Step 01: Compose file



    image: eclipse-mosquitto

    container_name: mqtt

    network_mode: 'host'


      - PUID=1001

      - PGID=100

      - TZ=Etc/UTC


      - /data/mosquitto/config: /mosquitto/config

      - /data/mosquitto/data: /mosquitto/data

      - /data/mosquitto/log: /mosquitto/log

    restart: unless-stopped


      - 1883:1883

      - 9001:9001


Step 02: Docker pull command creating config file

pinas$:/data/mosquitto/config $ sudo nano mosquitto.conf

persistence true

persistence_location /mosquitto/data/

log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log

listener 1883

## Authentication ##

allow_anonymous true

Step 03: ssh into container and adding user/password

Portainer: Containers mqtt Console:/bin/sh


#mosquitto_passwd -c /mosquitto/config/password.txt mqttuser1


retype Password:

Step 04: Adding user/password file path to config file.

pinas$:/data/mosquitto/config $ sudo nano mosquitto.conf

persistence true

persistence_location /mosquitto/data/

log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log

listener 1883

## Authentication ##

allow_anonymous false

password_file /mosquitto/config/password.txt

then, Restarting the container.

Step 05: Adding MQTT integration on HA

Input the server ip, Mqtt username and password which was created. 

MQTT Integration
MQTT Integration

Step 06: Installing Hass.Agent for Windows


Hass.Agent for Windows
 Hass.Agent for Windows

Step 07: Getting API token from Home Assistant

Click profile name -> /profile/security -> scroll bottom click "Long-lived access tokens"

API token from Home Assistant
API token from Home Assistant

Final Hass Agent for windows
Final Hass Agent for windows

Step 08: Adding Hass.Agent integration on HomeAssistant

Device Discovered on HA
Device Discovered on HA 

Step 09: Adding Sensors on HASS.Agent on windows to reflect on HA

Adding Sensors
Adding Sensors

MTTQ HA Dashboard
MTTQ HA Dashboard



HACS integration Kiosk-mode

Dashboard -> Edit -> Hamburger menu -> Raw Configuration Editor

Add following code:

1. To hide header tabs for non admin user
2. To hide sidebar for particular user

    hide_header: true
    ignore_entity_settings: true
    - users:
        - home
      hide_sidebar: true
      kiosk: true
      ignore_entity_settings: true



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