AI Model : Using local model OLLAMA
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YouTube: Extracting YouTube Transcript using Fabric
Summarizing : Generating summary, extracting insights from the
transcripts, using fabric framework
Fabric : fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using
Downloading Installing Fabric Framework
Installing missing files: from warning output.
Installing OLLAMA AI model:
Creating Short cuts for copy and paste:
Running AI query to Extract YouTube transcript
Saving YouTube transcript to File and generating AI
Network Chuck:
Fabric Framework:
August 20, 2024 — We have migrated to Go, and the transition has been
pretty smooth! The biggest thing to know is that the previous installation
instructions in the various Fabric videos out there will no longer work
because they were for the legacy (Python) version.
Downloading go:
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.23.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
Installing Fabric Framework:
go install
Refreshing env path:
# Golang environment variables
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH:
Refreshing Window:
pipx install .
Installing OLLAMA AI model:
- curl -fsSL | sh
Installing OLLAMA AI model: |
Starting the OLLAMA AI model:
Starting the OLLAMA AI model: |
Starting OLLAMA in Windows: WSL
ollama serve
ollama run llama3
Fabric set up: adding API keys
- fabric --setup
- New Setup Guides
Setup |
Setting Ollama as default |
Installing missing files: from warning output.
Creating Short cuts for copy and paste:
alias pbcopy='xsel --input --clipboard'
alias pbpaste='xsel --output --clipboard'
Testing the command:
Short cuts for copy and paste:
Windows: WSL : Creating Short cuts for copy and paste:
alias clip='powershell.exe -c clip.exe'
alias past='powershell.exe -c Get-Clipboard'
Changing default model to LLAMA3
fabric --changeDefaultModel llama3:latest
Running AI query to Extract YouTube transcript
Installing yt - transcript:
- go install
Getting transcripts from youtube:
New way:
- fabric -y "" -sp clean_text
- fabric -y "" --stream --pattern clean_text
- OLD way
- yt --transcript | fabric
-sp summarize
- yt --transcript | fabric -sp extract_insights
Extract YouTube transcript
Copying YouTube transcript to clipboard and generating AI queries
- yt | pbcopy
- pbpast | fabric -sp summarize
Copying YouTube transcript to clipboard
Saving Output to a file:
yt | fabric -o
Saving YouTube transcript to File and generating AI
cat imple271.txt | fabric -sp extract_recommendations
cat imple271.txt | fabric -sp summarize
Saving YouTube transcript to File
cat iso-transcript.txt | fabric -sp clean_text
yt --transcript | fabric -sp
fabric -sp clean_text:
Clean_text option Provides much more better transcript extract using fabric command.
yt --transcript | fabric -sp clean_text
fabric -sp clean_text |
tgpt is a cross-platform command-line interface (CLI) tool that allows
you to use AI chatbot in your Terminal without requiring API keys.
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