Understanding Wireshark 



How to Save the captured packets as "pcapng" extensions. 

How to use Filters.

How to use Statistics Menu.

How to use MaxMind database and Endpoints Maps.


  • GeoLite2 Free Geolocation Data: https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geolite2-free-geolocation-data
  • Wireshark basics by Chris Greer


Understanding Wireshark 

How to Save the captured packets as "pcapng" extensions

Before starting to capture packets, 

Capture -> options

output format -> pcapng

Create new files automatically with 2 files, small size of 500Mb. This options can be used to create smaller files for easier analysis

Saving the capture in small pcap files for analysis
Saving the capture in small pcap files for analysis 

How to use Filters:

Two types of filters can be used,

Before Capture

  • Capture Filters

Before starting the capture, Setting up filter criteria before starting the capturing of the packets.

  • e.g. TCP - only the TCP packets will be captured and no other packet information's will be captured

  • Sample filters, port 80, port 53, host

After capture

After capturing the packets, these display filters are applied. 

Display filters

CConversation Filters

Simple filter options:
  • Arp
  • Ip
  • Ip.addr ==

    Conversation Filters
    Conversation Filters

Prepare as a Filter

Will have option to add along with conversation filter options
  • (ip.addr eq and ip.addr eq 513.184.133.58) && (tcp)

Prepare as a Filter
Prepare as a Filter

Not filter:

  • not arp
  • not(arp or ipv6)
  • Tcp.port in{80 443 8080}
  • !(arp or stp or lldp or cdp or tcp)

Text Filters

  • Case sensitive: - frame contains google 
Non-case sensitive : frame matches google

How to use Statistics Menu 

Statistics menu option

Statistics -> Resolved Addresses :- 

Name Resolution:

Resolve Mac address, when enabled this will get the available names of the mac address
Use captures DNS:- will provide name of the DNS rather than IP address

Statistics  Resolved Addresses
Statistics -> Resolved Addresses

Adding custom name to the IP address

Known IP address can be named for easy understanding, like server, desktop, gateway

  • Right click on the IP address and select edit resolved names  add a name 

Adding Custom names IP address

Name resolution Block

View menu ->  reload as File format/capture 
This view provides the consolidated view of the known IP-address

name resolution block

Statistics -> conversations

    This window will provide the overall summary of packets happening between addresses, bytes, ports and more. This view allows to understand what's going on with between the IP-address. 

  • If there is any malicious activity or port scanning can be found using this summary table. 
  • Filter option: Right click on any address and select apply as filter to get conversation b/w the 2addresses 

Statistics -> conversations
Statistics -> conversations

How to use MaxMind database and Endpoints Maps:

Geo location:

Download the file - free version from - dev.Maxmind.com [geo2lite free geolocation data]

  • Edit -> preferences -> MaxMindDatabase -> selected the download file


Statistics ->Endpoint -> map ->open on browser


IP address are mapped based on the geo location on the Map


Under the Internet protocol layer from the captured packets, The destination GEO IP is displayed.

source GEO IP
source GEO IP

The same can be used as display filter.

  • Right click on the “source GeoIP” set as selected filter :-  ip.geoip.src_country == "United States"



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