
#myAndroid Taste Test

#myAndroid Taste Test This will give you the  customized  Get your look:- 1. Wall paper  2. Icons 3. Launcher 4. Widgets 5. Keyboard Source Google : 

Contacts to display in Android

Open Contacts --> Menu key (softkey) -- select contacts to display ( see image 1) --> Select "All Contacts" or "Customize" ( see image 2)

How to change Restrict Background data in Android

Check the Image attached Setting--> Data Usage --> Menu key -- select -->Restrict background data

WhatsApp 2step verification

WhatsApp has introduced 2step verification. Available from version 2.16.343. WhatsApp--> account settings --> Two step Settings --> Enable 

Prisma for Android

Correct Link for Android version of PRISMA   #prisma 

Google new two-step notification Prompt

Google Introduces another Way to verify log-in :  "Prompt" along with two-step notification . log-in into your account --> my account settings --> Sign-in & security settings --> Enable "Prompt". One more way to secure your account.


Google promoting safer Internet Day Then they are adding 2GB data storage to ur Drive space :) Just go to Google. Com Click the link provided below the search bar. Two minute security checkup

Vehicle registration information through SMS

Another excellent and useful service introduced by Govt. To get details of any vehicle, send an sms to 7738299899 and get the owner & vehicle details instantly. Type VAHAN space VEHICLE NUMBER and send the sms to 7738299899. Example: VAHAN TN39BL5512 It's really working! You can try!! Result after SMS TN0**V1**0 [RTO, C****I (N****-W***),TN] Owner:1-********* Vehicle:(PETROL) MOTOR CYCLE RC/FC Expiry:24-Feb-23 MV Tax upto:(LifeTime)

Location History : for google map timeline feature

How to get the old feature from google Maps Timeline feature. Below app allows you to look your history for specified time line period. Download the File as "*. XML" then Log into "MY Maps" from google account. Step1. Create new Map Step2. Now select Upload file option Step3. Now you will be able to see the uploaded maps.  Source

Weather predictions

For better weather predictions you can follow the below links. weather maps--> experts charts --> under ->region GFS - south asia-- under Parameter-GFS --> precipitation/ Clouds - precipitation #chennairains #weather